Tuesday 19 March 2013

IB13 Paper 2 essay writing

Today we looked at Q3 from your General Questions on Literature revision sheet.

Here is the paragraph we started to write together:

"One way in which freedom of the human spirit is explored in both novels is through the presentation of restrictive societies.  Bronte presents a patriarchal society in which Jane is restricted by her gender, class and wealth.  A key moment in the text that illustrates this is when John Reed attacks Jane towards the beginning of the novel, describing her as a ‘mad cat’.  Bronte intends to show the oppression of all women which is emphasised through the male dominance of John Reed.  Bronte viewed Victorian attitudes to women, children and the poor as being out of date, and used Jane’s position within a restrictive society as a means to illustrate this."

Your homework is to finish the paragraph (using our seven part paragraph guide) and write the rest of the essay.  The plan we devised together for the following paragraphs were:

- setting (geographical)

- character
- dreaming

Please ensure that you have done this by Monday 25th March as we will be setting you another timed essay in that lesson.

Miss Neilson

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