Wednesday 3 July 2013

Literature in Translation: Reflective Statement

The guiding question for the reflective statement for all three Literature in Translation texts is:

How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral?

“Context” refers to all possible contexts. It is intended to embrace the cultural underpinnings of the works by looking at specifics such as:
·     the time and place in which the work was written
·     information about the author (particularly as it relates to the way in which the author’s ideas as presented in the work do, or do not, accord with situations in the contemporary society)
·     philosophical, political and social contexts
·     ideas that the students themselves bring to the work.

“Developed” is the other key word in the question. It is a personal statement that is most likely to be written in the first person, and should be an honest account of the evolution of understanding. If you feel that you have not really learned anything, then you should reflect on you they still do not understand. 

IB13 Homework

Read to the end of Chapter 4 of 'Chronicle of a Death Foretold'.

Come and see us if you don't have a copy.  It will cost you £6.30.

Due: Monday 8th July