Tuesday 26 February 2013

IB12 Carol Ann Duffy

IB12 are currently studying poetry by Carol Ann Duffy selected mainly from her wonderful anthology 'The World's Wife'.

My favourite lines come from the poem 'Anne Hathaway':

I hold him in the casket of my widow's head
as he held me upon the next best bed.

Why? Well, for all the reasons that we explored in lesson but mainly because of the way the tense shifts from the present 'hold' to the past 'held' which is a moving signal of how Shakespeare continues to live in the speaker's memory yet she will never be 'held' by him again. 

So, IB12: What is/are your favourite line/s and why? Submit by posting your comment below by Friday 8th March 2013.

We are enjoying reading your poems in the style of Duffy and hope that this has helped you in showing an appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning.

Miss Akhtar :)